Alternative dispute resolution is the possibility that all consumers have at their disposal to turn to official bodies to help them resolve a conflict.
Clients who are defined as consumers and who have entered into contracts for the purchase and sale and/or provision of services have the right to turn to official bodies to help them resolve any conflict involving such contracts, without prejudice to resorting to the Courts.
The Alternative Dispute Resolution bodies are listed on the Consumer Portal, accessible via the website
We would also like to inform you that, in order to resolve disputes arising from online purchases, you can use a resolution system called the ODR Platform - Online Dispute Resolution/ RLL, created by the European Union. It is an official website run by the European Commission
dedicated to helping consumers and traders resolve their disputes outside the courts: In any case, you can contact one of the Alternative Dispute Resolution bodies listed below.
CNIACC - National Center for Consumer Conflict Information and Arbitration
CIMAAL - Algarve Consumer Conflict Information, Mediation and Arbitration Center
Coimbra District Consumer Conflict Arbitration Center
Consumer Conflict Arbitration Center of Lisbon
Consumer Information and Arbitration Center of Porto
Vale do Ave Consumer Conflict Arbitration Center / Arbitration Court
Consumer Information, Mediation and Arbitration Center / Consumer Arbitration Court
Madeira Consumer Conflict Arbitration Center
Arbitration Center of the Autonomous University of Lisbon
European Dispute Resolution Platform